According to Ayurveda which one is best hot water bath or cold water bath?

Are you always confused about whether to take a hot water bath or a cold water bath? How do you decide which to choose? Hot water bath or cold water bath, here is everything you need to know.

Are you stuck between choosing hot water or a cold water bath? Many people wonder whether they should take a hot water bath or a cold water bath. The answer is not so simple, as both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The best choice for you may depend on various factors, such as your age, health condition, lifestyle, and the weather. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both hot and cold water baths, and help you decide which one suits you better.

Understand the Benefits of Hot Water Bath

As we all know, a hot temperature kills more germs. That’s why bathing with hot water cleanses the body.
Studies show that taking a hot bath improves muscle flexibility and also helps to relax sore muscles.

Bathing with hot water reduces the level of sugar in the body, which reduces the risk of diabetes in your body.
It is also beneficial for treating cough and cold as the steam helps in clearing the airways and decongesting your throat and nose. Some of the best benefits of hot water bath are:

Helps relieve muscle pain:

A hot water bath can help release tension from muscles and loosen spasms, especially after a workout. The warm water encourages blood circulation, which provides the muscles with more nutrients and oxygen

Can clear nasal blockages:

A hot water bath can help reduce congestion and a blocked nose caused by a cold or allergies. The steam from the water can moisten the nasal passages and thin the mucus, making it easier to breathe.

Relaxes your senses:

A hot water bath can help calm your mind and body, reducing stress and anxiety. The warm water can stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood boosters. You can also add aromatherapy oils, salts, or bubbles to enhance the relaxing effect.

Helps you sleep better:

A hot water bath can help improve your sleep quality and duration, especially if you take it before bedtime. The warm water can lower your body temperature, which signals your brain that it’s time to sleep. It can also relax your muscles and nerves, making you feel more comfortable and sleepy.

Decreases muscle pain:

A hot water bath can help lower your risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. The warm water can dilate your blood vessels, which lowers your blood pressure and improves your heart function. It can also increase the production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow and glucose transport.

Cold Water Bath

What Benefits of Cold Water Bath?

Taking a cold shower stimulates the nerve endings and gives you a kickstart in the morning. It also helps to get rid of laziness. Taking a cold shower releases anti-depressant chemicals like beta-endorphins and thus helps you to treat depression.
Studies have shown that taking a cold shower improves reproductive health in men by stimulating the secretion of testosterone. It may also help improve lung function. Taking a cold shower stimulates the body’s lymphatic and immune systems, which in turn boosts the production of infection-fighting cells.

Some of the best benefits of cold water bath are:

Increases endorphins:

A cold water bath can help stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood boosters. This can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improve your well-being and optimism.

Helps improve metabolism:

A cold water bath can help activate brown fat, which is a type of fat that burns calories to generate heat. This can help increase your metabolic rate and fight obesity over time. A cold water bath can also help balance your hormone levels and heal your gastrointestinal system.

Improves circulation:

A cold water bath can help improve your blood circulation by causing your blood vessels to constrict and dilate. This can help deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your organs and tissues, and remove waste products and toxins. It can also improve your skin and hair health by enhancing blood flow.

Faster cooldown if you’re overheated:

A cold water bath can help lower your body temperature much faster than just resting in a cool environment can. This can help prevent heatstroke, dehydration, and exhaustion after a workout or exposure to high temperatures. It can also reduce inflammation and soreness in your muscles and joints.

Makes you more resilient:

A cold water bath can help you become more resilient to stress and discomfort by exposing you to a mild form of physical shock. This can train your nervous system to adapt to harsher conditions and cope better with challenges. It can also boost your immune system and reduce the risk of infections.

cold and hot water bath

How to choose between cold and hot water bath according to Ayurveda?

Is it better to take a bath with cold or hot water?

Ayurveda has an answer for you. Ayurveda suggests that you should use warm water for the body and cold water for the head as washing your eyes and hair with hot water is not good for your health. Ayurveda suggests that the temperature of the water should be based on the following factors.

Based on age:

Young people are advised to take bath with cold water. Elderly and youth are advised to take bath with hot water. But if you are a student and dedicated to spending more time on your studies, then taking a cold water bath will be beneficial for you.

Based on body type:

According to Ayurveda, a system of holistic medicine from India, there are three types of body types or doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. They are derived from the five elements of nature: space, air, fire, water, and earth. They govern the physical and mental processes of living beings and provide an individual blueprint for health and fulfillment.

Vata is composed of space and air and is associated with movement, creativity, and flexibility. Pitta is composed of fire and water and is associated with heat, metabolism, and digestion. Kapha is composed of earth and water and is associated with structure, fluids, and lubrication.

Each dosha has its own preferences and needs when it comes to bathing. Generally speaking, if your body type is pitta, then it is better to use cold water for bath, as it can help balance the excess heat and inflammation in your body. Cold water can also stimulate your endorphins, improve your circulation, and make you more resilient.

On the other hand, if your body type is kapha or vata, then use warm water for bath, as it can help balance the excess coldness and dryness in your body. Warm water can also relax your muscles, clear your nasal passages, calm your senses, and help you sleep better.

Of course, these are general guidelines and you should always listen to your own body and intuition. You may also need to adjust your bathing habits according to the season, the weather, your health condition, and your daily activities. The key is to find what works best for you and enjoy the benefits of bathing with cold or warm water.

Based on diseases:

If you are suffering from any disease related to pitta, such as indigestion or liver disorder, then taking a cold water bath will be very beneficial for your health. And if you are suffering from Kapha or Vata-related disorders, it is better to take a hot water bath.

If you are a patient with epilepsy, then it is not recommended to take a bath with hot water and cold water. Instead, take a bath with lukewarm water.

Based on your habits:

If you exercise regularly, it is recommended to take a hot water bath after a proper cool-down period. A hot water bath can help relax your muscles, clear your nasal passages, calm your senses, and help you sleep better. It can also improve your blood circulation, which can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your organs and tissues, and remove waste products and toxins.

Depending on what time you shower:

If you take a bath in the morning, then it is good to take a bath with cold water. But if you are taking a bath at night, then taking a warm bath will make you feel comfortable. Since Vata predominates in the evening, taking a warm bath will be beneficial.

You can put some neem leaves in water and leave it for some time. Then take bath with this water. This will improve the health of your skin.

While hot water bath or cold water bath may be your personal choice, the above discussion will help you make an informed choice as per your requirement and skin type. While cold water helps stimulate your nerve endings, setting you up for a fresh start to the day, a warm bath helps to relax and ease sore muscles. Age, season, habits, and normal bath time all play an important role in what you want to stick with.


Q: What are the benefits of a hot water bath?

A: Hot water baths have several benefits. They can help relax muscles, relieve muscle tension and soreness, promote blood circulation, and provide a soothing experience. Hot water baths are often used for relaxation and stress relief, as the warmth can help calm the body and mind.

Q: What are the benefits of a cold water bath?

A: Cold water baths offer their own set of benefits. They can help reduce inflammation, soothe swollen muscles, and provide a refreshing sensation. Cold water baths are commonly used after intense physical activity or to cool down the body during hot weather. They can also boost circulation and invigorate the senses.

Q: Which is better for muscle recovery, a hot water bath or a cold water bath?

A: Both hot water baths and cold water baths can be beneficial for muscle recovery, but they serve different purposes. Hot water baths are generally recommended for relaxing muscles and relieving muscle tension. They can help increase blood flow, which aids in the removal of metabolic waste products and promotes healing. On the other hand, cold water baths are effective for reducing inflammation and muscle soreness. They can help constrict blood vessels, reduce swelling, and provide pain relief. The choice between hot and cold water baths depends on personal preference and the specific needs of the individual.

Q: Can a hot water bath help with sleep?

A: Taking a hot water bath before bed can potentially help with sleep. The rise in body temperature during the bath followed by a subsequent drop in temperature afterward can trigger a natural sleep response in the body. Additionally, the relaxation induced by warm water can help relieve stress and promote a sense of calm, which can contribute to better sleep quality. However, individual responses to hot water baths may vary, and it’s important to find what works best for you when it comes to promoting a good night’s sleep.

Q: Can a cold water bath help with recovery after intense exercise?

A: Yes, a cold water bath can aid in recovery after intense exercise. The cold temperature helps to reduce inflammation and minimize muscle damage. Cold water immersion constricts blood vessels, which can help reduce swelling and alleviate muscle soreness. Additionally, the cold sensation can have a numbing effect, providing pain relief. It’s important to note that cold water baths are most effective when used immediately or shortly after intense exercise.